BiPredicate Functional Interface in Java

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BiPredicate Functional Interface in Java

Java’s BiPredicate Functional Interface

In Java, the BiPredicate functional interface is a valuable tool provided to facilitate the comparison of two values, yielding a boolean result. The prefix ‘Bi’ signifies its operation on a pair of values. Consider the scenario where an application requires frequent comparison of two values within a method, such as myMeth(). Traditionally, if this comparison logic needs to be applied multiple times – say, five times within myMeth() – the same logic would be redundantly written five times, leading to code duplication.

To address this, one approach is to develop a utility class with a method encapsulating the common comparison logic. This method can then be invoked within myMeth() as needed. This strategy is particularly effective when the utility method is widely used across different parts of the application. However, if the utility method is only used a limited number of times, specifically within a single method like myMeth(), creating a separate utility class and method might not be the most efficient solution. In such cases, it is more resourceful to employ a functional interface.

A functional interface, customized with a method that takes two parameters and returns a boolean value, can be a more streamlined solution. Utilizing lambda expressions, this functional interface allows for the flexible implementation of the comparison logic, which can be reused as needed without redundancy. Moreover, this custom functional interface can be adapted for various other comparison operations, thanks to its generic structure of accepting two parameters and returning a boolean.

In the context of Java development, however, there is no need to create a new functional interface for this purpose. The BiPredicate functional interface provided by Java serves this exact role. It allows developers to write the comparison logic once using lambda expressions and apply it wherever needed, thus simplifying the code and enhancing maintainability. This makes the BiPredicate interface an indispensable tool in scenarios where comparing values is a recurring task in application development.

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Dual-Input Boolean Function Method Signature

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This method signature describes a function that takes two inputs and outputs a Boolean value. It’s designed for scenarios where a decision is made based on two distinct variables.


public interface BiPredicate<T, U> {



     * Evaluates this predicate on the given arguments.


     * @param t the first input argument

     * @param u the second input argument

     * @return {@code true} if the input arguments match the predicate,

     * otherwise {@code false}


    boolean test(T t, U u);

… …

… …

An isometric illustration of a person coding on multiple screens

BiPredicate Example

package com.java4coding;


import java.util.function.BiPredicate;


public class BiPredicateExample {


        public static void main(String args[]) {

                BiPredicate<String, Integer> condition = (name, marks) -> name.equalsIgnoreCase("Manu") && marks > 90;

                System.out.println(condition.test("Manu", 100));

                System.out.println(condition.test("XYZ", 100));

                System.out.println(condition.test("ABC", 90));








BiPredicate functional interface in Java offers a robust solution for handling complex conditional logic. Its ability to accept two arguments for predicate testing streamlines code and enhances readability. Integrating BiPredicate with lambda expressions and method references further optimizes Java programming. Mastering this functional interface is essential for any Java developer aiming to write more efficient, clear, and scalable code.