Create Module Info Java: Extending with Client Modules

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Create Module Info Java: Extending with Client Modules

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the process of creating and utilizing Java 9 modules. By leveraging Eclipse IDE and adhering to best practices, you’ll be equipped to develop and test modules seamlessly. 

Creating a Java Module: A Step-by-Step Guide

To initiate the creation of a Java 9 module, start by setting up a new project in Eclipse. Ensure that you select a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 9 or above, excluding the internal Eclipse JRE. Follow the prompts to create a `` file.

Writing Code and Adding Exports Directive

Within your project, create a package and write your code in a class file. For instance, let’s consider a simple `Example` class. To make this package accessible outside the module, add an `exports` directive in the `` file.

module com.java4coding.example {

    exports com.java4coding.Example;


Find out how to create modules in Java 9

Building a Client Module: Seamless Integration 

Extend your learning by creating a new Java project, for instance, “com.java4coding.client.”

Adding Project to the Module Path 

Incorporate the existing “com.java4coding.example” project into the module path of the new client project.

Specifying Dependency with Requires Directive 

To establish a dependency, include a `requires` directive in the `` file of the client project.

module com.java4coding.client {

    requires com.java4coding.example;


Creating the Client Example

Develop a client example using classes from the “com.java4coding.example” module.

Executing the Client Program 

Run the client program to witness the seamless integration of modules in action.


By following these steps, you’ve gained insights into setting up projects, writing code, and establishing dependencies. This knowledge equips you to harness the power of modules for efficient and modular Java development. As you continue your journey in Java programming, integrating modules will undoubtedly enhance the scalability and maintainability of your projects.