Try with Resources Java: How to Effective Resource Handling

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Try with Resources Java: How to Effective Resource Handling

In the realm of Java programming, managing resources efficiently is paramount for robust and error-free applications. The introduction of try-with-resources in Java 7 revolutionized resource management, and Java 9 further enhanced this feature, offering improved ways to handle resources effectively.

Understanding the Significance of Resources

Resources, such as databases, files, or socket connections, play a vital role in Java applications. However, these resources must be properly closed to prevent memory leaks and ensure optimal performance. Traditionally, developers relied on the finally block to close resources, but Java 7’s try-with-resources statement brought a more elegant solution.

Leveraging Try with Resources in Java 9

The try-with-resources statement in Java 9 takes resource management to a new level. It is a try statement that declares and manages resources effectively, ensuring automatic closure at the end of the try block execution. This feature not only simplifies the code but also enhances readability and reduces the chances of resource leaks.

Resource Eligibility: AutoCloseable and Closeable

Any object implementing the `java.lang.AutoCloseable` or `` interfaces is eligible to be used as a resource in the try-with-resources statement. The `AutoCloseable` interface, introduced in Java 7, adds a layer of flexibility to resource management.

Explore more in this tutorial

Practical Example: Java 9 Try with Resources 

Let’s delve into a practical example demonstrating the effectiveness of Java 9’s try-with-resources:

package com.java4coding;


class Demo {
    static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
        try (br) {
            return br.readLine();

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String s = Demo.readFirstLineFromFile("I:/A.txt");

In this example, the `BufferedReader` resource is efficiently managed with the try-with-resources statement, ensuring proper closure and minimizing boilerplate code.

Evolution of Resource Management

In Java 7, resources needed to be instantiated within the try-with-resources statement. Here’s a snippet illustrating this approach:


class Demo {
    static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path) throws IOException {
        try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
            return br.readLine();

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String s = Demo.readFirstLineFromFile("I:/A.txt");

Closing Resources Prior to Java 7

Before Java 7, developers relied on the `finally` block for resource closure. While effective, it led to more verbose code. Here’s an example using the `finally` block:

package com.java4coding.test;




class Demo {

    static String readFirstLineFromFileWithFinallyBlock(String path) throws IOException {

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));

        try {

            return br.readLine();

        } finally {

            if (br != null)





public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        String s = Demo.readFirstLineFromFileWithFinallyBlock("I:/A.txt");




Leveraging Additional Resource Management Strategies

In Java programming, managing object serialization is crucial for data integrity. The `transient` modifier provides a valuable tool to control the serialization process. By marking specific fields as non-serializable, developers can tailor the serialization behavior, particularly when dealing with sensitive data or fields that shouldn’t be persisted.

Native Modifier: Bridging Java and Native Code

For scenarios requiring interaction between Java code and native libraries, the `native` modifier serves as a bridge. This modifier facilitates the incorporation of platform-specific functionalities seamlessly. Developers often leverage the native modifier for performance optimization or when interfacing with low-level system components.

Mastering Access Modifiers in Real-world Scenarios

While default access, also known as package-private, might seem restrictive, it strikes a balance between encapsulation and accessibility within the same package. Understanding when to use this level of access is crucial for designing well-organized and maintainable code.

Protected Access in Inheritance: Crafting Extensible Code

The `protected` access modifier shines in scenarios involving inheritance. By granting access to subclasses, it fosters code extensibility, allowing for the creation of robust frameworks and libraries.

Source Code Best Practices

Adhering to the practice of having a single public class in a source code file enhances clarity and organization. This approach simplifies file-naming conventions and ensures a cohesive structure in your projects.

Effective Use of Multiple Classes: Balancing Complexity

While a Java source code file can contain multiple classes, maintaining a balance is crucial. Limiting the number of public classes ensures a focused and understandable codebase, promoting effective collaboration among developers.


By delving into the intricacies of Java 9 try-with-resources and exploring additional resource management strategies, you’ve equipped yourself with an array of tools for crafting efficient, scalable, and maintainable Java code.

Applying these insights to real-world scenarios ensures code excellence and innovation. As you navigate the dynamic landscape of Java development, the continuous evolution of resource management techniques will undoubtedly contribute to the success of your projects.