What is Java and what are its features
Java is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language with a simple and clear syntax that is suitable for different platforms. Backend (server side of software) is most often written in it. Here are the key features of Java:
- Strict typing. In Java, all variables must be declared with their type. This prevents typing errors, allows you to write understandable code and find bugs at the compilation stage, not at runtime;
- Automatic memory management. The Java programming language implements automatic garbage collection. It frees memory occupied by objects that are no longer used. Developers do not have to do this manually;
- Object-oriented. Java is completely based on the concept of object-oriented programming. This means that everything in Java is an object that has its own properties and methods. The object-oriented approach allows Java developers to create modular, flexible and secure applications.
Now, let’s move on to the pros of this language so that you can decide whether you should enroll in Java programming courses from scratch.
Advantages of learning Java
Java has a lot of pros. Netflix, Spotify, Google, LinkedIn, and other cool companies write software in it. Here are the top benefits to look out for:
- Ease of using and learning Java. The clear syntax and semantics, as well as clear rules, make Java a great option for a beginner. Easier is probably only Python. We compared Java and Python in this article;
- Portability. Code written in Java can be run on any operating system that supports the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). This simplifies application development and deployment;
- Extensive library. Java has a large standard library that contains many classes and methods to solve different problems. Developers use these to simplify and speed up Java programming;
- Cybersecurity. With its type checking mechanism, no memory pointers and strict permission system, Java provides a high level of security. It is a suitable choice for developing applications that require a high degree of data protection;
- Multithreading and scalability. The Java language offers built-in support for multithreading. This allows applications to process large amounts of data, as well as perform multiple operations or tasks simultaneously. Therefore, a Java Developer can create software that utilizes resources efficiently and scales easily as the workload grows;
- Performance. Java provides good performance due to its virtual machine and code optimization;
- Support and Community. A huge community of developers has formed around the Java programming language. This means that you can communicate on all sorts of forums and easily find materials on issues that interest you (for example, videos or books on Java);
- Exception handling. Built-in mechanisms allow you to effectively manage errors and exceptional situations. It helps to create reliable and stable software;
- Application in different spheres. Java is used to write code for mobile applications, web services, games, financial and scientific systems, and the Internet of Things. You will definitely find interesting projects for you;
- Reflexivity. The Java language supports reflection. This means that programs can analyze and modify their structure at runtime. Such software adapts well to changes in requirements.