Introduction to Java Final Keyword

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Introduction to Java Final Keyword

The final keyword in Java plays a crucial role in restricting modification and extending the functionality of class members. It can be applied at various levels, such as classes, methods, and variables (including instance, static, local, and parameters), to enforce certain constraints.

Application of Final Keyword in Java

Final Classes

A class declared as final is not extendable. No other class can inherit from a final class, ensuring its functionality remains unchanged.

Final Variables

A variable marked as final can only be assigned a value once. It must be initialized prior to its first use and does not receive a default value. Static final variables need to be initialized at the declaration stage. Reference variables declared as final cannot be reassigned to another object, although the object’s internal state can still be modified.

Final Methods

A method declared as final cannot be overridden in any subclass, thereby preserving its intended functionality.

Characteristics of Final Members

Ensuring Immutability with Final

To make a class immutable, declare it as final. This prevents any subclass from altering its behavior or state.

Final Keyword and Method Overriding

When a method is marked as final, it cannot be overridden in any subclass, but it can still be overloaded within its class.

Behavior of Final Variables

A final variable, once initialized, becomes constant and cannot be altered.

Initializing Static Final Variables

Static final variables should be initialized at the point of declaration in a single statement.

Overriding Constraints on Final Methods

Overriding is not permissible for final methods. Attempting to override a final method in a subclass results in a compilation error.

Code Example: Utilizing the Final Keyword

final class ImmutableClass {    private final int value;
    ImmutableClass(int value) {        this.value = value;    }
    public int getValue() {        return value;    }}
public class Main {    public static void main(String[] args) {        ImmutableClass obj = new ImmutableClass(5);        System.out.println(“Value: ” + obj.getValue());    }}

Comparative Table: Final Keyword Applications

AspectFinal ClassFinal MethodFinal Variable
InheritanceCannot be extendedCan be overloaded, not overriddenRemains constant
InitializationAt declaration onlyAt declaration onlyMust be initialized once
PurposePreserve designPreserve functionalityPreserve value
ModificationNot allowedNot allowedNot allowed

Key Points: Bullet Summary

  • Final classes cannot be subclassed;
  • Final variables can be assigned only once;
  • Final methods prevent overriding but allow overloading;
  • Static final variables must be initialized at declaration.

Special Focus: Java 9 Features and the Final Keyword

Java 9 introduces several new features that enhance the Java platform, and understanding how these interact with the final keyword is crucial for modern Java development.

  • Module System: Java 9’s module system brings better encapsulation and scalability. The final keyword complements this by ensuring module components remain constant and reliable;
  • JShell: The interactive Java REPL introduced in Java 9 allows for on-the-fly testing of Java code, including those using final keywords, making experimentation and learning more efficient;
  • Enhanced Deprecation: With Java 9’s improved deprecation annotation, developers can clearly mark final methods or classes as no longer recommended for use, enhancing code maintainability;
  • Private Interface Methods: In Java 9, interfaces can have private methods. When combined with the final keyword, it ensures that helper methods in interfaces remain unaltered and secure.

These features, along with the final keyword, contribute significantly to writing more robust, maintainable, and scalable Java applications in a Java 9 environment.

Video Guide

To answer all your questions, we have prepared a video for you. Enjoy watching it!


The final keyword in Java is a powerful tool for ensuring the integrity and stability of code. Its proper use in classes, methods, and variables can significantly contribute to more robust and maintainable Java applications. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the final keyword and its applications in Java programming.